Friday, November 19, 2010

Breathtaking: Christopher Sugrue on Angola’s Beaches

Hello there. I’m Christopher Sugrue, an advertising consultant and adventure junkie. I’ve just finished organizing an ad campaign for this mom and pop business (anyway, that’s another story), and so I told myself, “Christopher Sugrue, Angola seems like a good place to have a much-needed vacation, why not fly there for an authentic African R and R?” And I tell you, it was probably one of the best vacations I ever had.

I mean, the beaches are just breathtaking. Angola boasts of an Atlantic Coastline stretching over 1, 650 km where the weather is warm all year round. As soon as I stepped into Angolan soil, I went straight to the world-renowned Luanda port. There I went beach-hopping in true Christopher Sugrue style. There was Ilha do Cabo, Mussulo, Corimba, Santiago, and Palmeirinhas. It was paradise. The food was just fantastic—and the people were just wonderful. Smiles wherever you go. The underwater spectacle was nothing short of amazing. Snorkeling there was a real eye opener. If only I had brought an underwater camera, you’ll see just how beautiful the marine life over there is. It was hard to leave the place but then I didn’t want to miss out on the other beaches the Southern African country has to offer.
So, after a few days of adventure in Luanda, I spent the last half of my vacation in Benguela. There I lounged and just relaxed in the beautiful beaches of Baia Azul and Baia Farta. I spent the days just relaxing under the sun and frolicking in the clear blue water. The nights were spent in bars alive with local music and dancing, providing a dynamic and exciting highlight that fused well with the mystery of African nights.
Indeed, my stay in Angola completely rejuvenated me and now, I’m ready to face the adventures of daily life once more.

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